Completely new API and XML document structure. Simpler, cleaner and more flexible. 全新的API和XML文档结构。更加简单,清晰和灵活。
The problem is that XML Schema is a language designed to specify an XML document structure. 问题是XMLSchema是一种旨在指定XML文档结构的语言。
Having seen examples of how to limit search to specific parts in the document structure, Net Search Extender offers more ways of expressing search criteria. 您已经看到了将搜索限制到文档结构的特定部分的示例,但是NetSearchExtender还提供了表达搜索条件的其他方式。
Thereby, search can be limited to specific XML elements or XML attributes in the document structure. 因此,可以将搜索限制到文档结构中的特定XML元素或XML属性。
The SECTION clause as part of the text search criteria identifies the part within the XML document structure where text search shall occur. SECTION子句作为文本搜索条件的一部分,标识出应该在XML文档结构的哪个部分中进行文本搜索。
This XPath identifies the part of the XML document structure that should be searched. 这个XPath标识应该搜索的XML文档结构部分。
Document Structure& Roles describing structures that organize content in a page. 文档结构(DocumentStructure)&这些角色描述页面内容的组织结构。
The older document type definition ( DTD) syntax for specifying document structure is not namespace-aware. 指定文档结构的早期文档类型定义(DTD)语法不能识别名称空间。
SAX is currently in its second generation, which includes XML namespace processing and optional reporting of certain events relating to document structure. SAX目前处在第二代,包括XML名称空间处理和相对于文档结构可以选择的某些事件报告。
It also gives you the freedom to refactor your classes without needing to change the bound XML document structure. 它还让您可以自由地重构您的类,而无须更改绑定的XML文档结构。
The XML Schema Recommendation has complete provisions for defining a document structure with namespaced elements and attributes. XML模式建议书(XMLSchemaRecommendation)对用有名称空间的元素和属性定义文档结构有完整的规定。
It facilitated validation of XML document structure, but not much in the way of semantics. 它推动了XML文档结构的验证,但在语义方面表现不够。
When it comes to text searching XML documents, both the actual content and the document structure is considered. 在对XML文档进行文本搜索时,要同时考虑实际内容和文档结构。
It is more intuitive if you are working with a known document structure. 如果处理的文档结构是已知的,就会更加直观。
A schema definition document can specify the target namespace for the document structure. 模式定义文档可以为文档结构指定目标名称空间。
This article showed how to use XSLT to analyze document structure to determine whether a set of business rules is met. 本文介绍了如何使用XSLT来分析文档结构以确定是否满足一定业务规则的要求。
Because the target XML document structure contains a nested hierarchy with repeating elements, you must customize this XML Output stage to aggregate information for each account. 因为目标XML文档结构包含带有重复元素的嵌套分层结构,您必须定制此XMLOutput阶段才能聚合每个帐户的信息。
In the previous examples, text search is performed on the complete XML document structure ( in other words, in all the text nodes and attribute values regardless of where the search criteria are met in the document). 在前面的示例中,文本搜索在整个XML文档结构上执行(换句话说,在所有文本节点和属性值上执行,而不管搜索条件匹配文档中的哪些部分)。
The output element hierarchy defines the output document structure 输出元素层级结构定义了文件结构的输出
Regardless of the source text or target document structure, you can create all of the programming specific to the problem in XSLT. 无论源文本或目标文档结构是什么,您都可以特定于XSLT中的问题进行编程。
In XML cases, not only the significant terms, but also their location in the XML document structure is maintained in the text index. 在XML文档的情况下,文本索引中不但包含重要的词汇,而且包含它们在XML文档结构中的位置。
JBind's handling of changes to the bound document structure is also rigid compared to the other data binding frameworks. 与其它数据绑定框架相比,对处理绑定文档结构的更改,JBind也很严格。
A method to configure how to address individual sections within an XML document structure is realized with a Net Search Extender document model. 对如何定位XML文档结构中的各个部分进行配置的一种方法是使用NetSearchExtender文档模型。
First, let's briefly describe the ODF document structure. 首先,我们简要描述一下ODF文档结构。
Modifying the mapping definition, rather than requiring changes in application code, often handles minor changes in the XML document structure. 修改映射定义(而不需要改变应用程序代码)通常处理XML文档结构中微小的变化。
When your application is really concerned with the details of the document structure. 当应用程序确实要关注文档结构的细节时。
The naming of the ODFDOM bottom layer originated from the ODF document structure. ODFDOM中最低的这层的名称源于ODF文档结构。
This sample demonstrates protecting a word document and the document structure. 此示例演示如何保护word文档和文档结构。
XML allows the author to define his own tags and his own document structure. XML允许创造者定义自己的标签和自己的文档结构。
It includes information that applies to the document as a whole, such as character encoding, document structure, and style sheets. 包括应用于整个文档的信息,例如字符编码、文档结构和样式表。